Tag Archives: packaging

Glow with some Gloji berry juice drink

Did you know there is a berry called Gloji that is popular in Asia. It gives vitality, stamina and energy. Well thats what they tell me anyway. But that’s not why we are here. We are here because of the super cute packaging for the Gloji Juice company. A light bulb bottle. Their slogan “The Juice that makes you glow”. Clever right?

Okay minion Bob thinks the are manly and not “super cute” Fine Minion Bob they are manly cute. You happy now? He is so sensitive sometimes. Any ways glow with some gloji.

gloji drink bottle-01

Something sweet and sticky…. But useful


Honey, some like it some love it. The rest we don’t need to talk about here. No offence Gary but I don’t get why you hate honey. Any way we aren’t here to judge were here to take a look at some sweet packaging design by Maksim Arbuzov.

The concept of the honeycomb structure of beehives is used here which I think is kind of cute. It would make a great building block for some displays don’t you think?

It has recesses on each side to allow for interlocking. Making a solid secure structure for transport. Each container also has a handy server attached to the inside of the lid.

I like it when product are practical and fun.




Let’s just hope the bees get on board with the marketing team for some awesome organic natural honey.